IPSO - 2012

New Results

New Results

Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Editorial activities

  • P. Chartier is member of the editorial board of “M2AN"

  • P. Chartier is member of the editorial board of “ESAIM Proceedings"

  • P. Chartier is member of the editorial board of “Mathematical Analysis"

  • N. Crouseilles is member of the editorial board of "International Journal of Analysis" http://www.hindawi.com/journals/analysis/

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of “SINUM"

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of “Differential and Integral Equations"

  • A. Debussche is a member of the editorial board of “Potential Analysis"

  • A. Debussche is a member of the editorial board of “ESAIM Proceeding"

  • A. Debussche is a member of the editorial board of the collection “Mathématiques & Applications" edited by Springer

  • A. Debussche is the editor in chief of “Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Conputations"

  • M. Lemou is associate editor of “Annales de la faculté de Toulouse"

Conference and workshop organization

  • P. Chartier, A. Debussche and E. Faou were members of the programm committee of DD21: 21th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, 25-29 June 2012, Rennes, France.

  • N. Crouseilles was member of the organization committee of the workshop WASPs 20-26 may 2012 http://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/~cnegules/WAPs2012.html

  • A. Debussche organizes the semester "Perspectives in Analysis and Probability" to be held in Rennes in 2013. Among others, there will be two international conferences, 3 workshops and 1 summer school.

Administrative activities

  • P. Chartier is member of the bureau of the Comité des Projets at Inria-Rennes.

  • M. Lemou is partly in charge of the Master 2

  • M. Lemou is member of the scientific committee of the Lebesgue Center (Labex)

  • F. Méhats is member of the CNU, Section 26.

  • F. Méhats is the head of the numerical analysis department of IRMAR.

  • A. Debussche is member of the board of directors of the ENS Cachan.

  • A. Debussche is member of the Executive Board of the Lebesgue Center, Labex funded by the french government.

Talks in seminars and conferences, mini-courses

  • P. Chartier was plenary speaker at the Tenth International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2012) in honor of Gerhard Wanner, Greece, September 19-25, 2012.

  • P. Chartier was plenary speaker at the Workshop INNOVATIVE TIME INTEGRATION, Innsbruck, Austria, May 13-16, 2012.

  • E. Faou was plenary speaker at the conference NUMDIFF13 (september 2012), Halle, Germany.

  • E. Faou gave a lecture at the Winter School “Dynamics and PDEs", Saint-Etienne de Tinée.

  • G. Vilmart was keynote speaker at the Special session on "Algebraic structures in numerical analysis of differential equations", Universitad Jaume I (IMAC), Castellon (Spain), May 2012.

  • A. Debussche was plenary speaker at the conference “Recent Developments in Stochastic Analysis", EPFL Lausanne, february 2012.

  • A. Debussche was plenary speaker at the conference “Stochastic Analysis and Stochastic PDEs ", University of Warwick, april 2012

  • A. Debussche was plenary speaker at the conference “NASPDE12 - Numerical Analysis of Stochastic PDEs", University of Warwick, june 2012

  • A. Debussche was plenary speaker at the conference “Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDEs) Follow-up Meeting " in Cambridge, september 2012.